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Five years from now

Author :  Paige Toon

Product Details

Penguin Books, Australia
ISBN 9780143791881
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2018
Bib. Info 352 pages, 23 cm
Categories PR - English literature
Product Weight 470 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

The heartbreaking, romantic and utterly compelling new novel from international bestselling author Paige Toon ‘One day, maybe five years from now, you’ll look back and understand why this happened...’ Vian and Nell are thrown together at the age of five when Vian's mother and Nell's father fall in love. At first wary of each other, they soon become the best of friends. But five years later, they are torn apart and Vian moves to the other side of the world. Fast-forward five more years to when Vian comes to visit, and Nell discovers that the boy she once knew is now ‘Van’ – a wild and carefree teenager. Chemistry crackles, but once again, they’re separated. For the next two decades, Nell and Van meet every five years, but life and circumstance always intervene. Will they ever find true happiness? And will it be together? Man-woman relationships -- Fiction. | Friendship -- Fiction. | Romance fiction. | Australian

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