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Cast terror and subvert

Author :  Michael Anthony

Product Details

Sid Harta Publishers, Australia
ISBN 9781925230178
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2018
Bib. Info iii, 220 pages ; 22 cm
Categories PR - English literature
Product Weight 240 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

The Terrorist Cell Leader, Mohammad Bin Abdul Samad, sets in motion his plan to attack civilian and government targets in Australia. His motivation is both ideological and revenge-driven. He is ruthless, cunning and consumed by his dedication to achieve maximum destruction. His primary weapons are the suicide bombers he has conditioned for the task, and a secret group with a special mission. Bridget Anderson, Controller Intelligence Operations, gets an early indication of the imminent attacks but little substance. She alerts the Government and State Anti-Terrorist elements. Gradually, the scope and nature of the terrorist intention becomes clearer. Attacks are imminent with potentially large casualties. Anti-Terrorist and police forces are alerted and the hunt commences. Information comes to hand and is acted upon. The pressure is intense. There are wins and losses until the final deadly confrontation between the two adversaries, Bridget and Samad. Australian fiction -- 21st century. | Terrorism -- Australia -- Fiction. | Australian

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