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A zero waste life in thirty days

Author :  Anita Vandyke

Product Details

Penguin Books, Australia
ISBN 9780143791379
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2018
Bib. Info 178 pages : illustrations ; 18 cm
Categories DU - Oceania (South Seas)
Product Weight 195 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Anita Vandyke wants to show you that by living a zero waste life, you actually gain more - more time, more money and more life. Her simple, practical guide shows you how by changing your daily habits you can eliminate plastic from your life in thirty days. These are the inside tips of a waste warrior, whose life has changed from excess to eco-luxe. A Zero Waste Life is a guide to the small changes you can make to radically reduce your waste, without losing your lifestyle. Based on 30 lifestyle 'rules' and handy tips, this practical book offers a fresh 'can do' approach to reducing your waste and living a cleaner, kinder life. Isn't that what we all want - a life of happiness, a life of luxury, a life that isn't wasted? Waste minimization. | Self-realization. | Self-help housing. | Self-care, Health. | Self-help & personal development. | Lifestyle, Hobbies & Leisure. | Australian

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