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The killing of louisa

Author :  Janet Lee

Product Details

University of Queensland Press, Australia
ISBN 9780702260223
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2018
Bib. Info 272 pages, 22cm
Categories PR - English literature
Product Weight 355 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Finally, convicted murderess Louisa Collins can tell her own story. But will she confess? Louisa Collins was hung in New South Wales in 1889. She was tried four times for the alleged murders of her two husbands. In three of those trials the juries could not agree that she was guilty. At her fourth trial the testimony of Louisa's young daughter, May, contributed to Louisa's conviction. Intimately reimagined from Louisa's perspective, with a story that just might fit the historical facts, this clever and compelling novel visits Louisa in her prison cell as she reflects on her life and the death and loss that have dictated her fate. Will she confess? Or was an innocent woman brutally hanged? Historical fiction. | Australian

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