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Hares Fur

Author :  Shearston, Trevor

Product Details

Scribe Publications, Australia
ISBN 9781925713473
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2019
Bib. Info 208 pages
Categories PR - English literature
Product Weight 245 gms.
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Product Description

What a swift odd turn his life had taken. A teenage girl with a ring in her nose was sliding ware into his drying racks. Russell Bass is a potter living on the edge of Katoomba, in the Blue Mountains. His wife has been dead less than a year and, although he has a few close friends, he is living a mostly solitary life. Each month he hikes into the valley below his house to collect rock for glazes from a remote creek bed. One autumn morning, he finds a chocolate wrapper on the path. His curiosity leads him to a cave where three siblings — two young children and a teenage girl — are camped out, hiding from social services and the police. Although they bolt at first, Russell slowly gains their trust, and, little by little, this unlikely group of outsiders begin to form a fragile bond. In luminous prose that captures the feel of hands on clay and the smell of cold rainforest as vividly as it does the minute twists and turns of human relationships, Hare’s Fur tells an exquisite story of grief, kindness, art, and the transformation that can grow from the seeds of trust.

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