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Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw : The Man and His Times

Author :  Behram M. Panthaki, Zenobia Panthaki

Product Details

Niyogi Books, New Delhi.
ISBN 9789383098309
Format HardBound
Language English
Year of Publication 2020
Bib. Info hb; 215p.; Photos; 28cm Includes Index
Product Weight 1150 gms.
Shipping Charges(USD)

Product Description

Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw was the Chief of the Indian Army from 1969 to 1973. This book is a reflection on Sam, his character traits, sense of humor, moral and professional courage and the enigma that made up his personality. It presents a unique insight to his thinking and his style of dealing with a spectrum of situations from the sublime to the mundane. Above all, it portrays his humility, his honesty and his respect for men in uniform, regardless of rank. The book is anecdotal and an easy read as it walks you through his life from childhood to the pinnacle of glory. The political canvas, woven lightly into this very personal story, highlights how a brilliant military strategist shaped the destiny of the Indian subcontinent. Family photographs, copies of citations, handwritten notes and personal correspondence make this book a treasure to read and acquire.

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