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# 861105
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A Sociolinguistic Perspective on Some Ethnic Minorities in Sarawak

Author :  Caesar Dealwis and Maya Khemlani David

Product Details

UNIMAS Publishers,Malaysia
ISBN 9789670054407
Format PaperBack
Language English
Year of Publication 2023
Bib. Info 272p. Includes Index
Product Weight 400 gms.
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Product Description

His much-needed book focusses on language choice and identity in the context of many multiracial, multi-ethnic peoples of Sarawak, East Malaysia. The language and cultural diversity of this largest state in Malaysia make it academically vibrant for research in sociolinguistics. Taken together, the ten research chapters give a rare insight into the formation of identity and language choice of the younger generation of Bidayuh, the Tamil, the Punjabi, the Telegu and other communities in Sarawak. They cover a wide and surprising range of topics-from performativity and identity of the Hindu Tamils, language choice of the Dayak Bidayuh undergraduates to the use of translanguaging in a school in rural Sarawak. They offer major considerations of how culture, religion, and economic needs impact different generations' language choice and identity across different communities in Sarawak. 'Language choice and Identity in Sarawak' is helpful to both sociolinguists, applied linguists and postgraduate students in these disciplines.

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